Police catch 300 speeders in a month

Take note – story published 10 years ago

In the first month since the reintroduction of mobile speed guns, police patrols caught more than 300 cars exceeding the legal speed limit, state police road safety chief Normunds Krapsis told LTV news Tuesday night.

Tickets worth more than 13,000 euros have been issued, of which only 2,500 euros had been paid, Krasis told the evening Panorama news show.

However, Krapsis also admitted there had been technical problems with the four old radar guns at the police's disposal, which have been reintroduced following the collapse of a multi-million-euro project to install fixed speed cameras across the country.

Police were not specifically looking to exceed previous records for catching speeding motorists but rather concentrating on stopping the most serious offenders, Krapsis said.

"We are now concentrating on serious violations and high speeds, so maybe the figure [of total tickets] is not as big as in previous years," Krapsis said.

The hotspot for speeding violations in June was Locomotive street in Riga where the speed limit is 50 km/h but one car was caught exceeding 100 km/h.

In all 67 locations across Latvia are designated as speed trap zones, with the four radar guns operating a rotation policy to cover them all with their limited amount of equipment.

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