Speaking on LTV's Rita Panorama news show, Kozlovskis said the arrest took place last week of a man believed to be responsible for a string of sex attacks on young girls in and around the Imanta suburb of the Latvian capital, Riga.
Evidence suggested there was "no doubt" that the police had finally got their man after a year-long manhunt that saw artist's impressions of the suspect appearing throughout the capital so that the 'Imanta paedophile' gained almost mythical status as a symbol of fear and depravity.
"Although it was hard and [police] had a lot of criticism, they have done their job," said Kozlovskis, who said he hoped the full force of the law would be applied if the suspect is indeed found guilty.
The timing of the arrest was fortunate, with reason to believe the paedophile was planning another attack, Kozlovskis added.
Despite the year-long delay in apprehending the suspect, increased vigilance and manpower has led police to make several other arrests in the intervening months of paedophiles and child pornography rings.
http:// Esam aizturējuši tā dēvēto Imantas pedofilu. Plašāku info sniegsim preses konferencē pulksten 13:00.
Police (above) announce the arrest and say more information will be given at a 1300 press conference.