SKDS Director Arnis Kaktiņš said May 2 on Twitter that support for Russia by the Russian-speaking population of Latvia has fallen from 20% to 13% since March. On the other hand, support for Ukraine in this group has increased from 25% to 30%.
SKDS aprīļa beigās veiktās WEB aptaujas dati liecina, ka kara Ukrainā jautājumā kopš marta krievvalodīgo vidē atbalsts Krievijai ir no 20% sarucis līdz 13%, savukārt atbalsts Ukrainai ir pieaudzis no 25% līdz 30%. Taču tāpat kā iepriekš vairāk kā puse nevienam nepauž simpātijas.
— Arnis Kaktiņš (@ArnisKaktins) May 2, 2022
Like before, more than half are undecided. 47% of Russian-speaking respondents say they do not support either side, while 10% indicated it is “hard to say”.
On the other hand, among respondents whose family language is Latvian, uncertainty has reduced and the number of Ukraine supporters has increased. Namely, in March, neither side was supported by 10%, while in April 8%. On the other hand, support for Ukraine increased by two percentage points, from 87% to 89%.