Chilly weather staying put until May

Take note – story published 7 years and 3 months ago

Many places in Latvia enjoyed a "white easter" this year with snowfall across a large part of the country.

Pretty though it was, the bad news is that cold weather is set to stay in place a while longer, according to forecasters, with long-range predictions saying it will stay cold until late April or early May.

Temperatures on both Tuesday and Wednesday nights are expected to fall well below freezing, even reaching as low as -9 C in places, though coastal areas will be considerably milder around freezing point.

New low temperature records for the time of year are a possibility: on Tuesday morning the air temperature in the Vidzeme highlands at Zosēni dropped to -8.7 degrees, which is only 0.1 degrees short of the lowest temperature ever recorded for April 18, according to the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center information.

Days will gradually become warmer. On Wednesday daytime temperatures will be +3 to + 8 C, climbing on Thursday to +10 C.

The weekend will bring a change in the weather with systems moving in from Scandinavia bringing moist air and rain. Winds will strengthen too and could reach 15 to 18 meters per second on the coast.

Significantly warmer weather will arrive only in the very last days of April or early May.

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