Linda Spundiņa

Linda Spundiņa

Latvijas Radio raidījuma "Atvērtie faili" žurnāliste

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Ārpus ētera
Latvian Radio investigates LGBT+ issues in eastern Latvia
Latvian Radio investigates LGBT+ issues in eastern Latvia
The LGBTQ+ community in Latvia is often subject to intolerant comments and sometimes violent attacks. Not only do the comments come from social media but also the parliament. Latvian Radio's investigative broadcast Atvērtie faili analyzed the situation in Latvia's eastern region Latgale, where surveys have shown people to be the least tolerant with regard to LGBT issues.
Illegal TV and website usage in Latvia declines
Illegal TV and website usage in Latvia declines
Latvian residents' interest in illegal television programs and websites has declined, according to recent observations and study data, Latvian Radio reported on October 31.
Russian website ban prompts discussion on free speech in Latvia
Russian website ban prompts discussion on free speech in Latvia
The National Electronic Mass Media Council (NEPLP) has blocked 91 websites in relation to sanctions imposed on Russia. Some media representatives are concerned whether the decision does not compromise freedom of expression in Latvia, Latvian Radio reported March 23.


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