"Rīta Panorāma"

Latvian Television

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Lutheran church likely to ban women's ordination
Lutheran church likely to ban women's ordination

The attempt by the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church (LELB) to ban women's ordination shows that the church is influenced by the radicalism trends prevalent within the society, priest Linards Rozentāls of the Torņakalns Lutheran Church told Latvian Television Thursday.

Interior Minister worried about slow refugee admission
Interior Minister worried about slow refugee admission

According to Interior Minister Rihards Kozlovskis (Unity), the slow pace of admitting refugees is worrisome, and it's not Latvia's problem only, Kozlovskis said in a Thursday interview with Latvian Television.

111 detained on the border this year
111 detained on the border this year

Illegal border crossings are on the rise, with 111 people detained–most of them Vietnamese–on the border this year. The same statistic for the whole of 2015 was about 70, Border Guard chief Normunds Garbars told Latvian Television Thursday.

Decline in rail freight slows down
Decline in rail freight slows down

The decline in rail freight volume in Latvia has slowed down, partially because freight fees have been reduced, Edvīns Bērziņš, newly instated head of Latvijas Dzelzceļš (Latvian Railways), told Latvian Television Tuesday.

Survey reveals Latvians' internet safety habits
Survey reveals Latvians' internet safety habits

Security experts say Latvians have a lot to learn about the internet: many store passwords on Post-Its, forgo important security updates, and open dangerous emails, reported Latvian Television Wednesday.

Review of ministries' expenses produces extra €50m
Review of ministries' expenses produces extra €50m

By reviewing budget expenses, the Finance Ministry has found an extra €50m that ministries will be able to use next year, Latvia's Finance Minister Dana Reizniece-Ozola told Latvian Television's "Rīta Panorāma" Tuesday.

Rīga Port may tighten belt
Rīga Port may tighten belt

The freight turnover at the Rīga Free Port has decreased by 14%, and the yearly fall in freight volume could reach 10-12%. The management of the port may revise its budget and cut investments. 

Saeima speaker wants to renew conscription debate
Saeima speaker wants to renew conscription debate

Saeima speaker Ināra Mūrniece (National Alliance) wants to restart the discussion on reintroducing conscription in Latvia and for the country to evaluate the possible costs of this move.

Insolvency abuse has cost Latvia €665m say foreign investors
Insolvency abuse has cost Latvia €665m say foreign investors

Even though new insolvency administration legislature has been introduced, there's "a lot to be done" in order to avert its shortcomings, Zlata Elksniņa-Zaščirinska, head of the Foreign Investors Council in Latvia (FICIL), told Latvian Television Wednesday.

Officials support tightening interior security
Officials support tightening interior security

Latvia will consider strengthening its interior police force, the Security Police, so that the country has a better chance of preventing scenarios like that which unfolded in Brussels yesterday, Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis told Latvian Television Wednesday.

KGB study commission still kept away from archives
KGB study commission still kept away from archives

Part of the KGB archives are still hidden from scientists studying secret service documents prior to their release, Kristīne Jarinovska, deputy head of the Commission for the Study of KGB Materials, told Latvian Television Monday. 

Defense Ministry calls for increased allied presence
Defense Ministry calls for increased allied presence

The Latvian Defense Ministry thinks that there should be more allied soldiers present in Latvia, Jānis Karlsbergs, Deputy Parliamentary Secretary at the Defense Ministry, told Latvian Television Monday. 

PM: Better pay Turkey than risk uncontrolled refugee flow
PM: Better pay Turkey than risk uncontrolled refugee flow

Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis thinks that it's better to pay Turkey to keep immigrants inside the country rather than risk Latvia facing an uncontrolled migrant flow, he told Latvian Television (LTV) Thursday morning.

Interior Minister: Police to heighten security on March 16
Interior Minister: Police to heighten security on March 16

There is no information over any planned provocations on March 16, however the police will be working at a heightened security regime as the annual unofficial parade will be held commemorating Latvian soldiers fighting on the side of Nazi Germany during World War II, Interior Minister Rihards Kozlovskis (Unity) told Latvian Television Tuesday.

Finance Minister to support Revenue Service reform
Finance Minister to support Revenue Service reform

The new Finance Minister Dana Reizniece-Ozola on Wednesday said she'll support the new State Revenue Service (VID) initiatives to fight the shadow economy, reported Latvian Television (LTV).

Private insurers not ready for mandatory health insurance phase-in
Private insurers not ready for mandatory health insurance phase-in

Private insurers are currently unable to adapt to a mandatory health insurance system, and they won't be able to for at least for a couple years, said Jānis Abāšins, president of the Latvian Insurers' Association in a Monday interview with Latvian Television.

Dombrovskis urges Ukraine to continue reform
Dombrovskis urges Ukraine to continue reform

Ukraine is implementing reforms too slowly. Accordingly, financial aid for Ukraine has been slowed as well, European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis told Latvian Television Monday. 

New Welfare Minister reveals priorities in office
New Welfare Minister reveals priorities in office

The new Welfare Minister Jānis Reirs (Unity) says he'll be changing the management style of the ministry, ensuring more cross-ministry cooperation, he told Latvian Television Friday morning.

Defense Minister: Russian army doing more snap exercises
Defense Minister: Russian army doing more snap exercises

Last year the intensity of the Russian army by the Latvian border was 'very great', and there were more snap exercises about which the neighboring countries aren't informed, Defense Minister Raimonds Bergmanis told Latvian Television Thursday morning.

Why Latvian specialists work for foreign pharma companies
Why Latvian specialists work for foreign pharma companies

Even though pharmacy is a well-developed field in Latvia, pharmacists are forced to work abroad, Ivars Kalviņš, biochemist and the head of the Science Council at the Institute of Organic Synthesis told Latvian Television Tuesday morning.

President reveals why he nominated Kučinskis as PM
President reveals why he nominated Kučinskis as PM

Both of the possible candidates for the post of Prime Minister - Maris Kucinskis (Greens and Farmers Union) and Karlis Sadurskis (Unity) - were strong, but Kucinskis had the advantage of having a clear vision over the country's development, President Raimonds Vejonis told Latvian Television Thursday.

'Flu season to start soon
'Flu season to start soon

Even though the number of people with influenza remains low, medics have seen a small increase in the number of patients with the flu. Specialists expect that the flu season will start by the end of January, Raina Nikiforova, an epidemiologist at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention told Latvian Television Thursday.

Interior Minister: No threat of 'Cologne incidents' for Latvia
Interior Minister: No threat of 'Cologne incidents' for Latvia

Latvia will be able to handle the refugee number stipulated by the EU quota, and there is no threat in the country for incidents similar to Cologne where mass attacks on women happened on New Year's Eve, Interior Minister Rihards Kozlovskis told Latvian Television Thursday.

Rescue Services: New Year's holidays were tragic
Rescue Services: New Year's holidays were tragic

In the four New Year's holidays in Latvia five people have died in fires, and firefighters are calling the holidays tragic, Viktorija Gribuste, a representative of the State Fire and Rescue Service (VUGD) told Latvian Television Monday. 

Prime Minister: Unity should nominate other PM candidates
Prime Minister: Unity should nominate other PM candidates

While the parties are reluctant to name their PM candidates, outgoing Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma thinks that the party should name PM candidates other than Solvita Āboltiņa as the Unity party leader lacks support inside and outside the party, Straujuma told Latvian Television Tuesday morning.

President: Only unpopular decisions in store for next government
President: Only unpopular decisions in store for next government

President Raimonds Vējonis thinks that it's high time to stabilize the situation and development in the country, so the next government will be dealing exclusively with unpopular decisions, President Raimonds Vējonis told Latvian Television's Rīta Panorāma Thursday.