New season opens soon at Rothko Center, Daugavpils

Friday, May 31 will see the Summer exhibition season officially opened in the courtyard of the Rothko Museum in Daugavpils.

This summer will bring a fresh set of works by artists from Latvia, Great Britain and China.

The exhibition "Seasons of the Soul" by the British painter, sculptor and graphic artist of Brazilian origin, Karin Lambrecht, promises that "spiritual quests will be revealed through various forms" according to advance materials.

Tan Ping 'Invader'
Tan Ping 'Invader'

The domestic exhibition "Dimensions of Time", authored by Inese Brants, one of Latvia's most prominent porcelain masters, will also feature, as well as an exhibition of a group of Latvian artists named "Oh, figure, who did you make friends with yesterday?" in which each artist will offer his or her own interpretation of the human figure and its symbolic and communicative nature.

Likely to be of particular appeal is exhibition "To and fro: The Art of Tan Ping" by one of China's leading abstractionists. All exhibitions of the summer season will be available to visitors until August 25.

For full details and ticket prices:

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