37.4% of city population and 40.9% of the rural population engaged in artistic activities. 5.2% of rural residents indicated that artistic activities are carried out daily and 23.1% – weekly or several times a month. In cities, 4% of the population pursued their artistic hobby daily and 20.9% – weekly or several times a month.
51.6% of the population aged 16-24 had an artistic hobby in 2022. Young women – 63.7% – were more frequently involved in artistic leisure activities, compared to 41.8% of men aged 16 to 24.
The presence of an artistic hobby tends to decrease with age, 43.4% of the population aged 25-49 had an artistic hobby, 36.8% of the population aged 50-64, and only 27.9% of the population aged over 65 were engaged in artistic activities.
In all age groups, more women than men are engaged in artistic hobbies, most among young people, but with each of the next age groups, the difference is declining.
The data was included in a 2022 survey of residents on incomes and living conditions, with 10.3 thousand respondents aged 16 and up from 5.8 thousand households responding.