Let yourself bloom: Baltic Pride begins in Rīga, Latvia

This year, Rīga is the host of Baltic Pride with the slogan "Let Yourself Bloom". Pride events take place starting Thursday, June 6, and will culminate on June 15 with the traditional parade.

Baltic Pride this year uses a flower-themed motif throughout, symbolizing "indirect and oblique communication – a practice deeply embedded in LGBTQ history". The organizers refer to the Latvian idiom "runāt caur puķēm/speaking through flowers", which illustrates just that.

Each category of the queer community has been given its own flower. You can read more about those here.

On Thursday, the pride program starts with the opening of the 'Pride House' at the Kaņepes Culture Center at 16:00 and will be followed by a lecture on how to talk about consent. 

The week will continue with discussions, films, parties, drag shows, exhibitions, and more activities. The full event program can be viewed on the Baltic Pride website.


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