The animation, created for a family audience, is modeled on the novella of Irish writer Roddy Doyle. The film's protagonist is 11-year-old Mary, who has a special relationship with her grandmother. Both love cooking and Mary dreams of becoming a chef. But the end of her grandmother's life is coming and the carefree kitchen idyll is about to come to an end. One day a mysterious woman arrives at Mary's, taking Mary, her mum and grandmother on a family history journey that allows the women of the family to truly get to know each other.
The film is directed and screenwriter by Enzo D'Alò, an Italian animated film creator. The Latvian side of the film is represented by the leading background artist – Laima Puntule, artists – Laura Blūma, Sanda Biteniece, Ilze Zalāne, Renārs Zālītis and others, animators – Taiga Zīle, Jolanta Bīgele and Aleksandrs Šehovcovs, producer – Vilnis Kalnaellis.
The creation of the film was supported financially by the National Film Centre, with seven countries contributing to the production of the film – Luxembourg, Italy, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Latvia, Estonia and Germany.