Eggs all round!

Take note – story published 8 years and 3 months ago

Latvians celebrated Easter on Sunday, a festival that taps into both the Christian and pagan traditions of the country.

Egg decoration, egg rolling, egg hunting and egg consumption all featured in numerous events around the country and in private homes, with social media also flooded with images of eggs. 

Bunnies and crosses also got a look in but the overwhelming image was that of the egg.

In his easter message President Raimonds Vejonis, himself a pagan, noted:

"Easter is the time for marking the power of life. At this time, light defeats darkness. From the winter cold, we enter the spring sunlight."

He also drew attention to the fact that many people around the world also celebrate Easter as a Christian festival of "love and new hope... which gives a promise of a secure future."

Riga mayor Nils Usakovs tweeted some interesting Easter greetings cards from the past:

Defense Chief General Raimonds Graube got in on the egg theme wishing everyone strength for future tasks:

The national weather forecasting service had a colorful display of eggs and a hope that the day would be a sunny one:

Meanwhile the Central Statistics Bureau came out with some amazing eggy facts including the information that Latvia produces more eggs per head of population than either Lithuania or Estonia, making this the undisputed egg capital of the Baltic states!


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