Look back: Nordic Days in Liepāja

Take note – story published 6 years and 7 months ago

The Nordic Days took place on December 7-10 with a number of cultural and entrepreneurial events held in Liepāja, western Latvia.

Finnish Ambassador Olli Kantanen on the Finnish Jager troops in Liepāja
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Also called 'the city of winds', Liepāja is the third-largest city in Latvia.

It has a special historical connection with Finland, which celebrates its centenary this year.

The Finnish ambassador Olli Kantanen told LSM about what Liepāja has to do with the Finnish Jäger troops, who played a crucial role in the Finns' road to independence.

Finnish ambassador Olli Kantanen
Finnish ambassador Olli Kantanen

The Norwegian ambassador Steinar Egil Hagen was at the University of Liepaja, the New Media Arts faculty of which has benefited from Norwegian support, to partake in a discussion about youth political involvement with the talented local students.

Steinar Egil Hagen about a discussion on political involvement in Liepāja
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While Stefan Eriksson, who took over as the head of the Nordic Council of Ministers this August, told LSM about Nordic support for quality content in Russian. He denied that the support is part of the discourse having to do with Russian propaganda.

Liepāja's independent newspaper Kurzemes vārds will be launching a Russian-language newspaper next year, and Nordic support for minority-language media content fits well into this project. 

Stefan Eriksson on Nordic support for media in Latvia
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The Nordic Days were organized by the Nordic Council of Ministers. 

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