Andris Apse from New Zealand and Andris Eglītis from Latvia are exhibiting eighty large format photos among the mighty fir trees of the Valguma pasaules outdoor recreation center about 50 kilometers west of Rīga.
"I'm a light hunter. If you can catch it, you have a picture," says Andris Eglītis of his photographic style.
“I'm wasn't a photographer of humans. And then I realized that I had to respond to them like beasts in the forest - to hunt them in their natural habitats," says Eglītis.
Andris Apse was born 75 years ago just one kilometer from the location of the exhibition, when his family fled WWII and ended up in New Zealand.
“I've been to New Zealand three times, but as a tourist, so I don't see it the same way as Apse, reflects Eglītis of his fellow photographer, "So I enjoy Apse showing the land in which he lives, how he sees it, how he loves it."
The exhibition includes 80 large-format photos with special lighting installations so that they can be enjoyed even in the long Baltic nights.