During his stay on this side of the Baltic he spoke with Latvian Radio about his memories of 30 years ago, and you can listen to his reminiscences right here.
"The Baltic Way was profoundly important in that it was the first time the Baltic issue was really brought to the attention of the rest of the West," says Bildt, "because, understandably they were preoccupied with other issues - the election in Poland, events in Germany, the turmoil in the Soviet Union and the future of Mr Gorbachev - but suddenly you saw this immense demonstration of human power... nothin gof that sort had been seen before."
In addition, the link below contains more of Bildt's memories and analysis in a recent article he wrote.
This month 30 years ago, notes @carlbildt, marked the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union https://t.co/6hJcrrdMR7
— Project Syndicate (@ProSyn) August 21, 2019