May 9 brings provocation risks, says Latvian security service

Take note – story published 2 years and 2 months ago

The State Security Service (VDD) has issued a statement warning residents of 'risks of provocation and confrontation' on May 9 and asking them to refrain from visiting Soviet-glorifying monuments.  

VDD said that this year it is paying increased attention to the information room associated with May 9, the so-called 'Victory day' among some, mainly Russian-speaking residents of Latvia, in order to identify potential threats to Latvia's national security. The VDD is working closely with the State Police and will also work intensively on May 9.

The information analysis carried out by the VDD shows that there are risks of provocation and confrontation on May 9, particularly at the usual events. 

Although Latvia has banned gathering and festive events on May 9, attempts to circumvent this ban can be made. The VDD asks residents to refrain from responding to provocative actions and not to engage in illegal activities.

This year, May 9 has been declared a commemorative day for victims and deaths in Ukraine, and public measures glorifying the occupation of Latvia by the USSR or expressing support for Russia are incompatible with that, according to the VDD.

Gathering and ceremonial placement of flowers at monuments glorifying the occupation of Latvia shall be regarded as disrespecting the millions of people, including the inhabitants of Latvia, who have died or suffered severely due to the regime of the USSR.

The justification and glorification of war crimes committed by the Russian armed forces will not be tolerated, the Security Service said. Special attention will be paid to persons using elements symbolizing Russian aggression, including letters “Z” and “V”, the George ribbon and the Russian flag.


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