Rīta Panorāma

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Rīta Panorāma

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Dubultā lielformāta fotogrāfiju izstāde "Atceroties 1991. gada barikādes"

Take a look at photos from Barricades in Rīga center

Take note – story published 2 years and 6 months ago

As of January 13, two large-format photo exhibitions are displayed in the urban environment of Riga, dedicated to commemorating the barricades of 1991.

Both are placed in important and symbolic places of the Barricades, at the Freedom Monument and in the Doma Square.

The photo exhibition “Barricades and their participants” in Doma Square have been announced as an “ambitious photo story about the 1991 barricades in Riga and Latvia”. On the other hand, the photo exhibition “Barricades: 14 Days and Nights” in Freedom Square forms a chronology of the climactic days of the 1991 barricades.

The curator of the “Remarking the 1991 barricade” is Ilmārs Znotiņš, who said: “The double-exhibition will provide the opportunity to view photographs taken by members of the Barricades from the 1991 Barricades Museum, the War Museum and the Kuldīga Museum. The exhibition will include photographic finds sent by people on public calls."

The exhibitions will be able to be viewed until January 25.

In January 1991 people flowed into the capitals of the Baltic states and erected makeshift barricades around strategic locations like the parliament and the national radio station to protect them against Soviet troops that wanted to crush the Baltic nations' independence drive. 

At one point, around 700,000 demonstrators had gathered on the streets of Rīga in a remarkable show of solidarity characteristic of the times of change. 

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