"The storage facility will allow electricity generated from the sun or wind to be stored and not given into the overall grid. Electricity produced during the day will be consumed during evening and night hours," said Climate and Energy Minister Kaspars Melnis (Union of Greens and Farmers).
The program stipulates that the capacity of the electricity storage facility shall be at least 5 kW.
The maximum amount of aid for an electricity storage facility will be EUR 2,500.
From March 2022 to mid-January 2024, a total of 9,743 renewable energy systems have been installed within the framework of the support program with a total amount of EUR 34,356,591.76.
Along with amendments to this program and the interest of the population in the program, it is planned to increase the available funding by another EUR 5 million.
The support program “Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in households – support for renewables” has been available since the spring of 2022.