Households with children were unable to pay the utility bills on time the most often (10.7 % of lone parents with at least one child and 8.7 % of couples with three and more children), followed by one-person households formed by people aged 16–64 (8.6 %). Couples without any children and elderly people (aged 65 and over) living alone were in arrears with utility bills the least frequently (3.8 % and 3.6 %, respectively).
One household on average spends 12.2 % of its disposable income on housing. Housing costs3 imposed the heaviest financial burden on elderly population living alone (people aged 65 and over) – they spent 20.8 % of their disposable income on housing. Housing costs in households consisting of lone parents with at least one child took 18.3 % of their disposable income whereas in one-person households (people aged 16–64) 15.9 %. Couples with two children spent 11.2 % of their disposable income on housing while couples with three and more children as well as couples without any children 10.9 %.