Cyberattacks fail to spoil EU Presidency

Take note – story published 9 years and 2 months ago

The number of cyberattacks during Latvia’s Presidency of the Council of the EU has risen significantly, Information and Communications Technology Association (LIKTA) president Signe Bāliņa told independent television news program 900 sekundes on the LNT channel Thursday.

She noted the trend of increasing cybercrimes is worldwide, but that Latvia is seeing a particularly sharp increase lately.

“More people are out there in the digital environment. But why so for Latvia – it’s because of our Presidency right now from January until July,” the tech sector’s NGO leader said.

“Seeing as digitalization is one of the priorities Latvia has defined, there is a special interest in attacking Latvia, to show and tell how Latvia isn’t so secure, perhaps much more so than in other years,” she went on to say.

Citing the experience of Lithuania during its Presidency stint in 2013, she added that the cybercrime tide would ebb away after it ended. “It settles down afterwards,” she said.

Finally, Bāliņa praised the work of Latvia’s cybersecurity incident investigating institution, saying that its IT experts have deflected all attacks so far and adding “I hope they keep up the good work until June.”

LIKTA unites the electronics, computer hardware and software firms, telecoms and service providers in the sector to promote the development of the IT sector in Latvia. The group has over 220 member organizations as well as individual and associate members.

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