Latvia among lowest minimum wages in EU

Take note – story published 9 years and 4 months ago

Latvia has the 6th lowest minimum monthly wage among the 22 European Union (EU) member states that have such nationally legislated thresholds, according to recent data published by Eurostat.

The lowest minimum monthly wage was registered in Bulgaria - €184, the highest - in Luxembourg - €1,923.

In January 2015, ten member states had minimum wages below €500 per month: Bulgaria (€184), Romania (€218), Lithuania (€300), the Czech Republic (€332), Hungary (€333), Latvia (€360), Slovakia (€380), Estonia (€390), Croatia (€396), and Poland (€410).

In five other member states, minimum wages were between € 500 and € 1,000 per month: Portugal (€589), Greece (€684), Malta (€720), Spain (€757), and Slovenia (€791).

In the remaining seven member states, minimum wages were well above €1,000 per month: the United Kingdom (€1,379), France (€1,458), Ireland (€1,462), Germany (€1,473), Belgium, the Netherlands (both €1,502), and Luxembourg (€1,923).

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