Latvian central bank announces annual student research contest

Take note – story published 4 years and 8 months ago

The Latvian central bank, Latvijas Banka (LB), announced its anual competition of student scientific research papers October 30, with cash prizes on offer for budding economists.

It is the 18th time the competition has been run and participation is open to citizens and non-citizens of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia as well as foreigners who at the time of the competition are registered as students of higher education institutions accredited in the Baltic States, enrolled in Bachelor's or Master's degree programmes.

30 topics related to monetary policy, macroeconomic development and financial stability are proposed for the competition.

For the third consecutive year, a special award named after the prominent Latvian economist Juris Vīksniņš will be awarded for the best competition paper where integrated scientific methods in the field of economics and history have been used providing an innovative view on one of the stages of economic development in Latvia, the Baltic States or Europe, or an economic idea in a historical context.

"Up to now, no papers qualifying for this particular award have been submitted for the competition; however, papers and researchers analysing and studying the history of economics are really necessary for both economic research and a public discussion on the developments of the global and Latvian economy," LB said, in a broad hint that someone really should submit an appropriate paper.

The good news is there is plenty of time to get your data down: papers will need be submitted to Latvijas Banka from 18 May to 1 June 2020, after which they will be evaluated by a committee of economists set up by Latvijas Banka. The papers winning awards will be published on the website, and their authors will receive cash prizes: EUR 2 000 to the first-prize winner and EUR 1 422.87 to the winner of Juris Vīksniņš Award.

14 papers were submitted for the Competition of Student Scientific Research papers organised in the previous academic year of 2018/2019. The authors of the papers were 20 students from four Latvia's higher education institutions. No first prize was awarded in the Competition. Two second prizes were awarded to the following students: Palina Tember and Elza Siliņa, the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, for the scientific research paper "Measuring Fiscal Policy Stance in Real Time and Ex Post in the European Union Member States", investigating the dependence of fiscal policy changes on the business cycle.; and Onufrii Lonevskyi and Kristijonas Klimaitis, the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, for their paper "The Twin Deficits Hypothesis in the Eastern European Group: an Empirical Investigation", examining whether there is a correlation between a government deficit and current account deficit in Eastern European countries.

The Regulation for the Competition, the papers of the previous prize-winners and other materials are available in section FOR STUDENTS. 

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