Latvians rush to collect wood felling residue

Take note – story published 2 years and 1 month ago

After the completion of felling trees, branches, smaller logs and other remains are left over, and lately the interest to collect them without additional charges has grown, Latvian State Forests (LVM) told Latvian Radio June 13.

“For example, in Zemgale, with relatively small woodlands and a larger population density than in Latgale, colleagues have received questions about permits [to collect wood] five times more than in the past year during this period. As regards the number of permits, if last year we issued more than 2000 permits for the collection of residues, this year we will reach this amount in six months,” Edmunds Linde, representative of Latvian State Forests, said.

Linde also noted that there will be less residue overall.

"In view of the situation in the market with wood needed to produce energy, it should be said that there will be fewer branches in felling areas for the population. We are certainly interested in responding to the growing demand for energy wood in the market,” Linde said.

Since the price for heating is expected to double in the winter, many residents who have the opportunity try to switch to wood-burning systems and buy material in advance, which has even resulted in a temporary shortage of wood pellets on the Latvian market.

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