Send in your experience to Latvia's Bureaucracy Award 2020

Take note – story published 4 years and 4 months ago

The interactive project launched on February 1 by Latvian Public Broadcasting (LSM) in cooperation with Latvian Radio and Latvian Television invites people to help minimize bureaucratic absurdities by sending in their experience and voting on things they think should be changed, so that the project can call for real-life change.

Bureaucracy Award 2020 aims to shed light on and attract attention to useless bureaucratic elements both in the public and private sector that could save residents, entrepreneurs and government both time and money if eliminated. During the campaign people can submit their own personal exasperating experience with bureaucracy on the LSM website LSM will create stories based on the information submitted and contact the responsible institutions, inviting them to minimize the bureaucratic measure.

Anyone can vote on the published stories they think most need fixing. The vote will determine the finalists representing various industries, of which one will be chosen for the Bureaucracy Award 2020 at the end of the campaign. Organizers will consult with the State Chancellery to determine whether the submitted stories are legitimate examples of bureaucracy or in the public interest.

The project is supported by leading global media support organization Internews. Together with partners, which include universities and local media organizations, Internews develops various media projects, supports human rights activists, journalists and independent media in over 100 countries.

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