Latvians resumed travels abroad in 2022 after pandemic

Take note – story published 1 year and 1 month ago

Data published on June 6 by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) show that, in 2022, Latvian residents went on 1.7 million one-day and overnight trips abroad, which is 2.7 times more than a year ago, however, compared to 2019 before the pandemic, the number of these trips has reduced by 27.5 %.

Last year, Latvian residents went on 425.8 thousand one-day trips abroad, 3.6 times more than in 2021, but 52.9 % less than before the pandemic in 2019. Expenditure of one-day trips increased 3.3 times, reaching EUR 34.2 million. In their overnight trips most often Latvian residents went to Lithuania (57.7 %) and Estonia (33.8 %). The average expenditure per one-day trip decreased by EUR 7.8, reaching EUR 80.4.

Last year, residents went on 1.3 thousand overnight trips abroad, 2.5 times more than a year ago, but 11.9 % less than before the pandemic in 2019.

The most popular destinations of overnight trips abroad in 2022 were neighboring countries Estonia (18.1 %) and Lithuania (11.8 %), followed by Italy (7.4 %) and Spain (6.2 %). In addition, Latvian residents often traveled to the United Kingdom (4.4 %), Poland (4.3 %), Belarus (3.7 %) and Turkey (3.3 %).

Expenditure of overnight trips abroad, compared to 2021, increased 2.2 times and reached EUR 747.2 million, exceeding expenditure that was before the pandemic in 2019 by 0.7 %. Most of the money was spent on transport (33.8 %), accommodation (33.4 %), catering services (14.3 %), entertainment and cultural activities (6.6 %) and other expenses (11.9 %). Average expenditure per a trip comprised EUR 573.3, which is EUR 100.7 less than in 2021. The average daily expenditure last year comprised EUR 99.7, which is EUR 25.2 more than a year ago.

Last year, 38.1 % of trips were made by private transport, while in 61.9 % of trips it was necessary to make a transport reservation. 60 % of them were made at a transport service provider, for example at the specific airline, and 40 % – using services of tour operators or travel agents. Out of all reservations needed 77 % were made using automatic online booking systems or digital platforms.

Mostly women (56.7 %), residents aged 35-44 years (25.8 %), residents with higher education (57.6 %) and employed (77.2 %) went on overnight tourism trips abroad.

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