Train timetables to change Sunday

A new timetable for trains with changes on all routes will come into force on Sunday, December 10, the passenger carrier “Vivi” (formerly “Pasažieru Vilciens”) said.

The schedule is adapted to changing passenger travel habits as colder weather sets in, and also includes a gradual transition to the interval schedule in the electrified zone.

The company said the performance of more regular journeys in the most sought-after hours of morning and afternoon in the electrified zone will be facilitated by the planned operation of new electric trains.

During the initial period, passenger transport in the electric train zone will still be ensured by 23 electric trains, but at a slightly higher intensity. Meanwhile, the non-electrified zone has additionally scheduled daily journeys to and from Sigulda.

The train timetable can be checked on the Vivi website and mobile app.

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