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Strīda par bruģi dēļ Liepāja var zaudēt Eiropas fondu naudu

Liepāja's fights over cobblestone might risk losing EU funds

A low-quality paved section of a street in the center of Liepāja has caused long-running disputes between authorities about who is to blame for this. If this issue is not resolved by June 1, the local government may also lose part of the co-financing of European Union (EU) funds, TV Kurzeme reported on May 13.

Three different companies have carried out expert reports to find out who is responsible for the cobblestone. Upon receipt of the latest results, the local government has met with all parties involved.

"Expert examinations have found non-conformities both in the design and in the structures being constructed. Accordingly, once all this process has been completed, recovery will also be directed towards those responsible," said Didzis Jēriņš, deputy executive director of Liepaja City Council in construction matters.

The builder LLC “CTB” disagrees with the latest results of the construction expert examination because it was not performed in accordance with the contract between the construction company and the local government, which provides that only an expert appointed by the Latvian Union of Engineers may be attracted.

The CTB considers that the previous two expert reports have already made it clear that the problems are in design and not in construction. The construction firm also questions the accuracy of the measurements because they are said to have differed.

Neither the municipality nor the builder yet knows how much repairs to the street fault could cost, because no estimate has been drawn up.

European funds of €2.9 million had been allocated but if the issue is not fixed in time, some of it may be lost. How much, that's unknown right now. The criteria for not losing European funds include the construction deadline, which runs until June 1 .

If co-financing is lost, however, the local authority will have to find the money in the local government budget. Liepaja City Council has undertaken to carry out works at its own expense to open the square to traffic in June and then recover the amount from the responsible person.

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