Big increase in train passenger figures in 2022

Take note – story published 1 year and 7 months ago

The number of train passengers transported by the public passenger train (PV) in the nine months of 2022 has reached 11.7 million, which is 41.7% more than during the whole of last year, according to the company's unaudited condensed financial statement published on November 30.

In the nine months of this year, the company transported about half a million passengers more than it did throughout 2021 when there were tighter limits due to the Covid pandemic. 11.2 million passengers were transported last year. Passenger revenues reached €13.8 million in the nine months of 2022, which is €4 million, or 40.6% more than last year.

The accuracy of trains, or the indicator showing how many rides were executed according to the train schedule, was 98.93% during the nine months of 2022.

Passengers increasingly choose to purchase a train ticket electronically on the website and on the mobile app, according to the report The share of electronically purchased tickets has increased significantly, with only 10% in nine months last year, and 23% this year.

PV Board Chairman Rodžers Jānis Grigulis said that the company is currently affected not only by the rising prices and costs of resources in the war in Ukraine, but also by the difficulty of purchasing spare parts for rolling stock. The company is introducing energy-saving measures to reduce the impact of electricity and thermal energy costs.

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