Traffic restored on closed Valdemāra Street section

Take note – story published 1 year and 4 months ago

Riga municipality has received an expert decision on the dangerous buildings on Kr. Valdemāra Street 117 and 119 that it is possible to re-establish traffic for public transport and other vehicles of a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes. Residents of the building are not able to return yet, said the municipality on February 26. 

Transport movement on the Valdemāra Street section between Alojas and Šarlotes Street is restored as of Sunday evenings. Pedestrian movement is only allowed on the sidewalk opposite to the houses.

In order to allow people to return safely to the building, repairs of the cracked walls and aisles must be carried out.

A construction project must be developed before the work is carried out, and an opinion regarding the prevention of hazards from the City Development Department of Riga City Council should be obtained after the completion of the work.

Given that the residents are still not allowed to return to buildings, the municipality will continue to provide social support and assistance in providing temporary accommodation. Until now, residents were allowed to take their first necessities from the apartments, accompanied by police.

As reported by LSM, last Saturday evening, people were evacuated from two buildings on Valdemāra Street due to cracks in the building walls. 33 people were evacuated from two adjacent buildings.

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