Kopā ar Ukrainu

Ukrainas prezidenta Volodimira Zelenska vizīte Latvijā. Preses konference Rīgas pilī

Kopā ar Ukrainu

Zīmju valodā. Ukrainas prezidenta Volodimira Zelenska vizīte Latvijā

Ukrainas prezidenta Volodimira Zelenska tikšanās ar Baltijas valstu medijiem

VIDEO: Ukrainian President visits Latvia

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy is on a visit in Rīga on Thursday, January 11, after visiting the other Baltic states the day before. 

Zelenskyy has met Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs, Prime Minister Evika Siliņa, and Saeima Speaker Daiga Mieriņa.

In the evening, a meeting has been planned with Baltic journalists, which will also be livestreamed here on LSM. 

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