
Projekts "Būris". Ar ko pārvietosimies nākotnē?


Projekts "Būris". Lielas ambīcijas un maz prasmju jeb kāpēc jaunieši nevar atrast darbu.

Projekts "Būris". Jauniem cilvēkiem jādod iespēja darba tirgū, nevis viņi jāizmanto

Būris: How best to tackle widespread youth unemployment?

Take note – story published 2 years and 8 months ago

Youth unemployment is not only a problem in Latvia. In some European Union (EU) countries, the unemployed under the age of 25 make up more than a third of the total number of jobseekers.

Particularly high youth unemployment rates are found in a number of southern European countries such as Greece, Spain and Italy. Each EU Member State is responsible for its own employment and youth policies, but there are also various programs at EU level to encourage young people to return to universities and the labor market.

LTV's Brussels correspondent Ilze Nagla hosts another discussion on this topic featuring Italian MEP Brando Benifei (Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats), and Dutch MEP Kim van Sparrentak (Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance) debating whether the EU's Youth Guarantee Scheme has served its purpose, and what other measures might be effective in reducing youth unemployment.

The Brussels discussions in English are bolstered by local Latvian-language debates on related issues. You can see the list of topics that will be covered at the dedicated Būris web page on LSM. These include animal welfare, multiculturalism, euthanasia, and other controversial themes. 

The Būris ('Cage') project is co-financed by the European Union.

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