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Būris: How to decide a European minimum wage?

Take note – story published 2 years and 8 months ago

In order to guarantee a decent minimum wage for workers throughout the European Union (EU), the European Parliament (EP) has begun work on a proposal for common principles for calculating the minimum wage in EU countries. 

Eurostat data show that 9.4% of European workers were at risk of poverty in 2018, and the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated the situation. This worries some MEPs who support the idea of ​​uniform criteria for setting the minimum wage in the Member States. However, not all EU countries have the concept of a national minimum wage as part of social debate – for example, in Sweden, where trade unions have long negotiated with employers.

Joining Ilze Nagla to discuss minimum wages and related issues are two MEPs: Agnes Jongerius from the Netherlands (Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats) and Nicolaus Fest from Germany (Identity and Democracy Group). However, in a break from the usual format they did not sit at the same table at the same time for this discussion as one objected to the presence of the other.

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