Kopā ar Ukrainu

Saeimas ārkārtas sēde, pieminot Krievijas pilna mēroga iebrukuma Ukrainā gadadienu

Kopā ar Ukrainu

Ukrainas brīvībai. Koncerts pie Rīgas Kongresu nama

Bez Tevis nav uzvaras! Pasākums Ukrainas atbalstam. Tiešraide no Brīvības laukuma

VIDEO: 'Without You There Is No Victory' rally

Take note – story published 1 year and 5 months ago

On Friday, February 24, at 10:00, a rally will take place near the Freedom Monument in Rīga to express support for Ukraine and to condemn the criminal and aggressive war launched by Russia.

The meeting “Without You There Is No Victory” will be headed by the radio personality Magnuss Eriņš and the journalist Olga Dragiļeva. There will be speeches from people dedicated to helping and supporting Ukraine in recent years, including Reinis Pozņaks, Tatjana Lazda, and pianist Andrejs Osokins.

The event also will include the speeches of officials of Latvia, including the Saeima Chairman Edvards Smiltēns and the ex-president Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, as well as Ukrainian officials.

The meeting will be broadcast live by LTV1, and you can watch their coverage right here.

Participants are invited to take the Ukrainian and Latvian flags, yellow and blue flowers, as well as to include the colors of the Ukrainian flag in their clothing. 

The event is organized by the Civic Alliance together with partners.

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