Evacuation of several more Afghans is still in process. There is currently no information about Latvian nationals remaining in Afghanistan. Last week, Ieva Hertela, who was working with the European Union (EU) project in Afghanistan, was already evacuated.
“We are currently focusing on providing assistance to Afghan citizens who have cooperated with the Latvian military or police contingent, as well as with those working in the EU and NATO structures,” said Rinkēvičs, noting that two Afghans with families had already arrived, but providing assistance to others is “at different stages”.
Šovakar Latvijā ieradās 2 Afganistānas pilsoņi (ES pārstāvniecības Kabulā līdzstrādnieki) ar ģimenēm. Viņu patvēruma lūgumi tiks izskatīti likumā noteiktā kārtībā. Turpinām strādāt, lai palīdzētu arī tiem, kas sniedza atbalstu LV kontingentam. Tas šobrīd gan ir ļoti sarežģīti
— Edgars Rinkēvičs (@edgarsrinkevics) August 22, 2021
Requests for asylum of people arriving in Latvia will be examined in accordance with the procedures specified by law, the Minister said. “I can say that contacts have been established with some and there are positive trends, I hope we will get [them] out, but with others, it is as it is,” he said.
“This is a difficult process. I hope we do the maximum we can to get the maximum number of people out, but knowing the complexity of the situation [I] would not want to give any guarantees.”