She will take up her duties on 16 April 2021. The heads of representation are official representatives of the EU Member States in the Commission under the political authority of the President Ursula von der Leyen.
Šodien Eiropas Komisija par pārstāvniecības vadītāju Latvijā ir iecēlusi Zani Petri. Viņa sāks pildīt pienākumus 2021. gada 16. aprīlī.
— EK pārstāvniecība???? (@EiropasKomisija) January 27, 2021
Zane Petre, stājoties jaunajā amatā, ir uzkrājusi lielu pieredzi Latvijas un Eiropas diplomātijā.
Zane Petre has extensive experience in Latvian and European diplomacy. She has worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, as a European correspondent, in the Office of the Political Director, as Head of the International Operations and Crisis Resolution Division, as well as a representative of the Crisis Management Committee from the Permanent Representation of Latvia to the EU in Brussels, as well as the Head of the Chancery in Moldova.
In 2012, she joined the European External Action Service (EEAS). She was Head of the Political, Press and Information Unit at the EU Delegation to Eritrea (2012-2016) and then the Deputy Head of Delegation and Head of the Political, Press and Information Unit in the EU Delegation to Nepal (2016-2020). In September 2020, she joined the Coordination Group for Policy and Reform, Ukraine’s support group in the Directorate-General for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations.