'Drive-thru voting' to be offered in Ādaži and Jēkabpils local elections

Take note – story published 3 years and 2 months ago

In this year's local elections on June 5, in the municipalities of Ādaži and Jēkabpils, it is planned to create a special place to vote in cars, in line with procedures approved by the Central Election Commission (CVK) for outdoor voting, CVK said May 19.

The outdoor voting site in Ādaži is in the parking lot of the Ādaži Cultural Center (Gauja Street 33A). Two outdoor voting sites will be provided in Jēkabpils on election day – in the center near Tautas nams (Vecpilsētas square 3) and by the sports hall (Brīvības 289B). 

Thus, voters will be offered more voting opportunities if the voter, does not want to vote in the precinct and be in contact with other visitors due to Covid-19.

This option would not apply to voters who are in self-isolation or quarantine in connection with Covid-19. These voters must continue to respect epidemiological safety measures and apply for voting at their residence.

Only one person will be allowed to be in the vehicle at the time of voting. If there is more than one passenger in the car, they will have to get out of the car during the vote in order to respect the principle of secret ballot. 

The car vote will take place following a certain scheme in a circular motion with several stops. At the beginning, a documents check will take place, at the next stop another electoral commission member will scan the barcode or QR code of the voter's passport or identity card with a smart device, and make sure that the voter is on the electoral list of the local government concerned and that the voter register does not already have an indication of his or her participation in the elections.

Next, the voter will have to go to the voting place, where the ballot is filled in and placed in an envelope to be sealed. Then the car should be driven to the last stop at which the vote should be cast in the ballot box.

More information about this year's local elections is available on the CVK website.

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