Rēzekne mayor creates new party

Take note – story published 1 year and 3 months ago

In Rēzekne on Sunday, 217 people established a new political party Kopā Latvijai (“Together for Latvia”), the chairperson of which is mayor of Rēzekne, Aleksandrs Bartaševičs, recently excluded from Harmony, Latvian Television reported on April 2.

The party's founding took place in the concert hall “Gors” behind closed doors. Mass media representatives were not allowed into the party's founding congress.

Registration for the party's founding meeting lasted nearly two hours. LTV reported that only those whose whose names were on the list submitted by the organizers were let in. Some people were not satisfied with the arrangement.

“Only in this congress can some decisions, statutes, and everything else be made. I don't see what's going on right now. I am deprived of the opportunity because I have expressed my opinion and I have a disagreement with the Mayor of Rēzekne City, Aleksandrs Bartaševičs,” said Rēzekne resident Jeļena Stepule.

Another person, who was also denied the possibility of becoming the founder of the “Together for Latvia” party, called the State Police.

One of the party's founding members, Andrejs Klementjevs, said that these had been notary instructions, but the notary who wanted to remain anonymous denied it, stressing that it had been the choice of the organizers.

As Bartaševics told LETA after the party was founded, there will be no delay in registering the party. There were 217 members on the list of founders, including members from Jēkabpils, Ludza, and Rēzekne municipalities.

“As soon as the party is registered, we will start to play an active role as a political force,” Bartaševičs said.

He said that the new party “is quite different from other parties” and its program has a “recipe for treating the Latvian economy and consolidating society”.

Bartaševičs said that the main objective of the party is to consolidate all forces and to create a single political nation without discrimination on national, social, or religious grounds. An efficient national economic model, a simple and stable tax system, and an attractive investment climate, are planned.

“We see ourselves as not a regional, but a national party that will participate in both the European Parliament and the parliamentary elections and, of course, municipal elections. Because, in my opinion, it is not possible to resolve issues in municipalities alone."

The party's leadership denies any involvement with a party in Estonia under a similar name, which is known to have expressed support for Russian aggression in Ukraine.

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