According to a release from the Ministry, communication in 2024 will focus on two main events. First is the 20 year anniversary of Latvia's accession to the European Union in 2004.
"This provides an opportunity to assess the benefits of membership of the organisation, to emphasise the stability and security of the state acquired over those years, as well as to increase the people’s sense of belonging to the Latvian state and Europe," said the release.
In addition, European Parliamentary elections will be held on June 8, 2024, and an effort will be made to "urge citizens to exercise their democratic participation and electoral rights and to decide together on the future course for Latvia and the EU."
Planned events will include two (unspecified) "traditional forums for EU information providers" in spring and autumn. Other events include a Europe Day programme for May, participation by Ministry staff in the annual “Back to School” campaign, as well as activities of the European Parliament Ambassador School.
The annual conference for professional translators, “The Latvian Language in the European Union” will also be organised, a magazine titled “Latvia’s Interests in the European Union” will be published and expert discussions held on what the country has accomplished as a member of the EU and what its interests are in the future EU. A special role is also assigned to events to promote Latvia as an economy in a stable and secure environment.
For the ninth time in a row, a declaration on cooperation in the communication of European Union matters was also signed at the meeting.