Coalition parties see drop in ratings

Take note – story published 7 years and 7 months ago

The ratings of Latvia’s three ruling parties dropped in December, with voter support for Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis’ Union of Greens and Farmers falling at an especially fast rate, Latvian Television reported.

Over the past month, voter support for the Union of Greens and Farmers dropped 4.3% to 12.5% at the beginning of December, and the rating of the National Alliance decreased by 1% to 7.4%. If elections were held at the beginning of December, Unity would have received 4.5% of the vote, down 2% from the beginning of last month.

Harmony remained the most popular political party, supported by 17.9% of respondents. Although voter support decreased also for this opposition party, the drop was less significant than for the ruling parties and reached 0.9% points.

Meanwhile, smaller political parties emerged as the gainers from the chaotic budget adoption process: MP Artus Kaimins’ party was supported by 6.5% of respondents, up 1.2% points, and voter support for the Latvian Association of Regions rose 1.7% to 4.2%. For Latvia from the Heart saw its rating edge up 0.6% to 2.4%.

Around 27% of respondents in the poll were undecided about their preferences and 15% said they would not take part in elections.

(Party ratings. Saskaņa - Harmony, ZZS - Greens and Farmers Union, VL-TB/LNNK - National Alliance, KPV LV - Who Owns the State? Vienotība - Unity, LRA - Regional Alliance, No sirds Latvijai - Latvia From the Heart. 27.1% are undecided and 15.1% would not partake in the election.)  

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