Former PM still wants EC job

Take note – story published 10 years and 1 month ago

Former Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis insisted Thursday he had no intention of dropping his attempt to become a European Commissioner as a result of rumours circulating about his financial affairs.

Latvia's nominee as Commissioner told the LNT broadcaster he was waiting for the appointment of Jean-Claude Juncker as European Commission President before thrashing out the details of which job he might secure.

“It's necessary to have an agreed European presidential candidate before we talk about individual Commissioners. All the indications are that tomorrow the leaders of member states will come to a decision about the presidential candidate in favour of Juncker,” Dombrovskis said.

Dombrovskis reiterated that he expected a job in the “economic and financial area” but declined to name a specific responsibility, saying “deciding on a specific portfolio will require further talks.”

After quitting as Latvia's longest-serving prime minister in the wake of the Zolitude disaster in November 2013, Dombrovskis set his sights on a post in Brussels, where he earlier served as an MEP and to where he returned following European elections in May while offering strong support to Juncker's bid for the top job.

However, recent weeks have seen press speculation regarding an alleged conflict of interest stemming from a loan taken out by a member of Dombrovskis' family with the Latvian Mortgage and Land Bank, which was subsequently sold on when the state-owned bank's loan portfolios were broken up following European Union pressure.

Dombrovskis dismissed the rumours as “pre-election fighting” saying the sell-off had followed EU rules and that he had “nothing to hide in the shadows.”

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