Greens and Farmers Union raking in donations

Take note – story published 7 years and 11 months ago

The Greens and Farmers Union (ZZS) political party of Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis has taken in more in political donations than all other parties combined so far this year, according to estimates by the LETA newswire based on data from the Corruption Prevention and Combatting Bureau (KNAB)

ZZS, which like several other 'parties' actually consists of a grouping of several smaller parties, received €226,231 in donations this year, which is more than combined donations to all other political parties represented in Saeima.

Donations to all other parties represented in Saeima totalled €185,219. These included €118,490 donated to Unity and €21,203 to the National Alliance, the two other parties in the ruling three-party coalition alongside ZZS.

Donations to the opposition Harmony party totaled €33,776. 

Also €6,330 has been donated to For Latvia from the Heart, while the Latvian Association of Regions has received €5,420. 

The newest party on the scene, Who Owns the Country? (KPV LV) founded by renegade MP Artuss Kaimons, has so far attracted just €305 in donations.

Meanwhile, For Latvia's Development, a party which is not even represented in Saeima, managed to amass €50,000 in donations.

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