Nine heads of state will visit next year

Take note – story published 7 years and 3 months ago

A meeting of nine heads of state will take place in Riga next year, the LETA newswire reported April 9. 

The informal meeting of the so-called 'Arraiolos' presidents will be organized in Riga in the fall of 2018, the Latvian President’s Chancellery reported.

The Arraiolos Group brings together heads of nine European states: Latvia, Finland, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia.

The government on April 2 supported a proposal to increase revenues of the President’s Chancellery by €360,192 in 2018 in order to pay for the Arraiolos group meeting in Riga.

Arraiolos is a small town in Portugal where the first such meeting took place in 2003. Subsequent meetings of non-executive presidents of European Union member states have been dubbed Arraiolos meetings.

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