Party ratings: National Alliance on the rise, KPV crash continues

Take note – story published 4 years and 9 months ago

One year on from Saeima elections, Latvia's political parties continue to see some notable rises and falls in their popularity among voters, according to the latest poll from SKDS for LTV, released September 27.

The opposition Saskaņa (Harmony) party remains the most popular single political force in the country, though its level of support has been falling. In August it commanded 16.1% support but by September this had fallen to 14.5%

Heading in the other direction is the nationalist Nacionālaja apvienība (National Alliance) political grouping which is now occupying second place in voters' affections after growing from 8% support in August to nearly 9% in September.

Third place is held by another opposition grouping, the Zaļo un zemnieku savienība (Greens and Farmers Union, ZZS) which has seen is fortunes rise to 8.4%, narrowly squeezing out Jauna Vienotība (New Unity) on 8.3%.

Interestingly, the three young parties that made breakthroughs during the 2018 Saeima elections are now languishing behind the longer-established parties.

The New Conservative Party has 7.2% support, For Development/For has 6.1% and KPV LV has seen its support collapse to just 2.8%, which would not be enough to win a single Saeima seat if elections were held now.

However, as always with Latvian polls, the results are subject to one huge caveat: 22.1% of voters say they don't know who they would vote for and a further 16.1% say they would not participate at all in an election, meaning that a question mark hangs over well over a third of the electorate.

The SKDS data came from a survey of more than 1,000 Latvian voters carried out between September 6 and 18.

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