Pressure mounts on Interior Minister as coalition party threatens to quit government

Take note – story published 2 years and 2 months ago

Interior Minister Marija Golubeva (Development/For!) was coming under increasing pressure May 12, with one of the other government colaition parties, the National Alliance, demanding that she be sacked.

The Saeima faction and party board of the National Alliance decided to demand the dismissal of Golubeva for what they say is mishandling  of events around the Soviet Victry Memorial in Rīga on May 9 and 10.

The National Alliance has appealed to Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš (New Unity) to dismiss the Minister, and additionally threatens to leave the coalition if it doesn't happen.

"What every loyal person in Latvia was forced to experience in their country on May 9 and 10 is unacceptable. We cannot regard this as an everyday accident for which political responsibility is limited to symbolic criticism and a promise to make amends. Every effort must be made to ensure that this situation never happens again” said leading NA Saeima deputy Raivis Dzintars.

As previously reported by LSM, despite a heavy law enforcement presence around the Soviet memorial, the way police and other agencies handled flows of crowds, cleared away flowers and acted or did not act against individuals displaying pro-Russian symbols and flags has drawn criticism from various parts of the political spectrum.

On the morning of May 10, the flowers laid by people the previous day were removed according to a pre-determined plan. As a result, people returned to the monument again on May 10, and in the evening several hundred people had gathered in the park, with accusations that they were to glorify the Soviet Union and Russia's current war in Ukraine. Access to  the monument was closed. Latvian Television  observed that several people were aggressive and did not hide their support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

PM Kariņš had earlier said he wanted an explanation from Golubeva. 



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