"I found out in the evening that on Tuesday I had been in contact with a person who later tested COVID-19 positive. I will be careful and work remotely, as well as await further indications by the SPKC [Disease Prevention and Control Center]," Staķis wrote.
Vakarā uzzināju, ka otrdien esmu kontaktējies ar personu, kurai vēlāk konstatēta Covid-19 infekcija. Ievērojot piesardzību, tagad strādāšu attālināti. Un gaidīšu SPKC norādes par tālāko rīcību.
— Mārtiņš Staķis (@MStakis) November 10, 2020
The next Rīga City Council meeting led by Staķis is scheduled Wednesday. He normally participated in person but now will do it remotely, as other Council representatives have done in the past.