Russian Embassy protests LTV 'Ukraine recruiter' news report

Take note – story published 9 years and 10 months ago

The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Latvia has lodged a diplomatic note of objection to Sunday’s Latvian Public Television (LTV) news program Panorāma report in which several residents of Latgale claim to have been encouraged by its staff in their efforts to volunteer to fight in Ukraine, reported news agency LETA Monday.

The Embassy points out the story’s line is provocative and defamatory, and expresses hope that the Foreign Affairs Ministry and Latvia’s security services will deal with the matter and conduct all necessary measures to bring those behind it to justice.

The foreign ministry’s press secretary Kārlis Eihenbaums said the ministry has not yet been informed of the claims made in the Panorāma report.

“This is a matter for Latvia’s security services. The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations applies to any foreign consular representative office, which includes respecting the host country’s laws and obligates them to refrain from intervening in its internal affairs,” Eihenbaums clarified.

LETA also reported that the anti-terrorism Security Police (DP) was probing the identities of the anonymous men quoted in the LTV report and had started a criminal investigation.

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