Straujuma: I learned three things today

Take note – story published 8 years and 8 months ago

Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma emerged from the annual Northern Future Forum held in Iceland Thursday saying she took away three main impressions.

8% of Latvia's GDP and workforce could be classed as coming from "creative industries" Straujuma said in a summary of the day's discussions. 

"We need creative education from the first class, maybe from the kindergarten. We have to go out of the usual in the eductaion system," Straujuma said - a bold statement with teachers at home already threatening strike action.

"We need better coordination between sectors – we have gaps between our sectors, between our ministries," Struajuma continued and suggested those gaps needed to be filled.

"Third, we need platform for innovation. A platform where innovative people can come and tell about ideas," Straujuma said, expressing the view that the current system sees what may be good ideas prematurely "killed" if they are not presented in the correct way.

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