Vote-buying probe turns to Kurzeme Green Party candidate

Take note – story published 9 years and 4 months ago

The Health Ministry's former parliamentary secretary and board member of the Latvian Green Party, Martins Martinsons (Greens/Farmers) was summoned by the Security Police (DP) in the fall of 2014 to be questioned in connection with vote-buying reports in Kurzeme province, the politician admitted to LETA Thursday. No accusations were brought against Martinsons, however, and he denies any involvement with the case.

The DP have requested the Kuldiga District Prosecutor's Office to launch criminal prosecution of two persons accused of vote buying in favor of the Union of Greens and Farmers during the 12th Saeima elections in October 2014, according to information obtained by LETA.

Martinsons told LETA that it is hard to say whether this vote-buying case is related to him, as there were several vote-buying incidents the police were looking into.

Martinsons was unable to recall what the police asked him, however, he said the officers wanted to know whether he had any information about one particular vote buying incident in Kurzeme Region and whether he had been in Kuldiga at the time. Martinsons said he answered ‘no’ to both questions.

Martinsons denies being an organizer of any kind of electoral fraud, adding that the "Security Police probably know this."

As reported, the DP are currently working on four criminal procedures related to possible electoral fraud during the 12th Saeima elections. The other investigations are focusing on vote-buying allegations in Latgale province.

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