A video clip posted January 15 to YouTube to promote the publication of the annual security and foreign policy yearbook compiled by the Latvian Institute of Foreign Affair (LIIA) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has Saeima deputy Lolita Čigane calling for dialogue to avoid Brexit-shaped stumbling blocks.
Čigane chairs the Saeima's European Affairs Commission.
Following the Brexit vote "EU member states have remained united and have realized that working together is much more efficient and better," Čigane says.
"Unfortunately we can see that, for example in Great Britiain, Brexit to a large extent can be attributed to insufficient dialogue between politicians and society regarding the actual consequences of the UK's withdrawal from the EU," she says.
"We definitely must act differently and have a regular, comprehensive and fair discussion about the EU," she adds.
You can view the video below with English subtitles.
The yearbook is due to be released in a presentation on January 23 in Rīga.