Zdanoka leaps to the defense of Russia Today

Take note – story published 7 years and 8 months ago

Latvian MEP Tatjana Zdanoka leaped to the defense of Russia's state-owned propaganda channel RT (formerly known as Russia Today) in a letter to her European Parliament colleagues.

The letter in Engish was circulated by Zdanoka ahead of an EP vote to condemn the use by both Russia and the Daesh terrorist organization of aggressive propaganda and disinformation.

LSM has obtained a copy of the letter, which says the resolution crossed "all red lines" and then launches into an outspoken defense of Russia.

"The enormous number of resolutions adopted by the European Parliament against Russia and the Russian people has remained in my memory since I was elected to the EP in 2004," Zdanoka writes. 

"So offensive a resolution, both in form and content, is a new development for the European Parliament," Zdanoka writes.

Zdanoka was, of course, elected to represent Latvia rather than Russia.

"Every state has its think-tanks, special foundations, special authorities dealing with compatriots living abroad and finally, its TV stations," writes Zdanoka. 

She then continues by saying Russia's state-sponsored news and information channels are no different to western media which exhibit "double standards".

"I hope you've had the chance to watch RT and form your own opinion of that channel... it is impossible to understand what happens if you watch only CNN, BBC, Euronews, ZDF and France 2," Zdanoka says.

She then segues into an invitation to an event on December 5 which she promises will feature US citizen Raymond McGovern, founder of a group with the unusual name Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), which has repeatedly urged the US President to "defuse tensions with Russia".

VIPS has also questioned whether Russia is being incorrectly blamed for shooting down a Malaysian Air flight over Ukraine. Initially formed to consider the US role in Iraq, around about 2013 the organization switched its focus to Russia,Ukraine and Syria.

As previously reported, Zdanoka was among three Latvian MEPs who voted against the resolution.

You can judge the text of the resolution yourself HERE.

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