"Presidents of all three Baltic countries agreed to facilitate the setting up of a land corridor between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to help passengers who have been cleared to use land transport to return from Poland get back to the Baltic country in which they reside," a statement said.
Levits, Kaljulaid and Nausėda also "urged the European Union (EU) to find a common policy that ensures as smooth and efficient movement of all necessary goods as possible under current circumstances," the statement added.
Given the unique situation of the twin border cities of Valka (in Latvia) and Valga (in Estonia), Levits raised the issue of internal mobility between Valka and Valga with President Kaljulaid. The President of Estonia promised to resolve the matter and find appropriate solution together with the Estonian government.
Valka and Valga face a unique situation as the national border runs right through the middle of the conurbation and a considerable number of people live on one side but work or shop on the other side of the border. Valka mayor Vents Armands Krauklis said on social media on Sunday he was appealing to the Estonian government for help on the issue so that at least people who live on one side of the border but work on the other might be able to cross the border.
Pašlaik ziņas no igauņiem nav iepriecinošas.Valkai/ Valgai izņēmumi nav paredzēti. Ar Valgas kolēğiem vienojāmies,ka rīt no rīta ar vēstulēm vērsīsimies Igaunijas valdībā,lai vismaz tie ,kuri dzīvo vienā,bet strādā otrā pusē- robežu varētu šķērsot.
— Vents A Krauklis (@VentsAKrauklis) March 15, 2020